Over the past two weeks there have been four screenings of AOKI in L.A. (Asian Pacific Film Festival 2010), College of Alameda, Knox College, and Laney College (as part of the BSU’s Malcolm X Week). Ben and Mike would like to thank all the organizers who helped put together the events as well as everyone who came to see the film and/or participate in the Q&A sessions that followed the screenings. We hope you enjoyed the film and appreciate all the interest and support for Richard’s life and the film.
We have submitted applications for several film festivals and have screenings in the works for New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, Seattle, San Diego, Hawaii, Vancouver, and Toronto and will be announcing the dates after they have been confirmed here on this site as well as on Twitter and our Facebook Fan Page.
In the meantime our Film Coverage section has been updated with recent articles that have been written on AOKI and we will be uploading audio of radio interviews that Ben and Mike have conducted as well. Our YouTube channel will also be getting updated soon with deleted scenes from AOKI.
Thanks again to everyone who has shown interest and support in the film! DVDs are available at Eastwind Books of Berkeley and can also be ordered online.